Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
We are back for another day of the SB Nation UFC in-5 Daily Trivia Game. The game instructions are at the bottom if you are new in the game! Do not hesitate to share your results in the comments and comments in This Google form.
If you cannot see the game because of Apple News or another service, Click on this game article.
Friday February 7
Thursday February 6
Wednesday February 5
The goal of the game is to guess the right random UFC hunting player using up to five clues. We will mix Active and retired fighters. It will not be easy to understand it in one or two assumptions, but some of you could nail it. It will be a mixture of well -known players and “this guy” to whom we have not thought for some time. The game will appear in location No. 3 of the MMA combat arrangement every morning, with an occasional movement later in the day.
After guessing the player correctly, you can click on “Sharing results” to share how you did in the comments and on social networks.