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Undertaker says his Goldberg match was ugly, ‘I answered’

Undertaker admits that his catastrophic match with Goldberg in Saudi Arabia was “a little ugly”.

Two wrestling legends fought for the first and only time at the 2019 WWE Super Showdown. The match started with Goldberg, who was restrained in the locker room by breaking his head by breaking the cabinet, causing his head to be bleeding before he even entered the ring.

Once the bell went from bad to worse. They both fought in an intense heat. There were pine trees because both men dropped the other on their heads and Goldberg almost injured Undertaker with his Jackhammer

Speaking of your own Six feet under the podcastUndertaker talked about his match with Goldberg. He thought it was great to work with someone he had never fought before, but blamed the Saudi heat why the match started in the form of a pear.

“Sometimes he was a little wounded, but he’s a good guy. Yes, no, he’s. He was simply pushed into something, and you can’t blame him. They created him and that was a huge deal,” Undertaker said.

“But yes, that Saudi thing … It was a little ugly. My mindset went into the whole thing was, at the moment of my career, how often do you have to do something you never did? I worked with everyone during the last 30 and years, but I never worked with Bill. “

“So, in that aspect he was first. Yes, it was the first time – our only single match. Oh, Vau. I mean, I think we did something in a rumble or anything else, but it doesn’t really count. Still, Singl -mec – that was the only one. “

“And man, the wrist broke out.” Added Undertaker. “It was 9:00 at night, 98 degrees outside … You could chew the air, it was so thick.”

Related: Undertaker complains that the Roman Reigns matches Wrestlemania 33: My body turned off

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