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New WWE TAG Team Champions Runled on Wwe Smackdown

WWE TAG Team Championship changed her hands to March 14. Episode WWE SMACKDOWN.

In the main event, the street profit caused Diy (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) for titles. Two teams struggled forward in the exciting match. In the end, Gargano accidentally hit Ciampa during a meeting in a middle attempt. The street profits then twice on Gargano, and Ford hit a frog for victory.

The victory marks the first win in the 2020 Profit Street. They did not hold the titles since they were deronated in January 2021. I was in my second rule as champions. Gold won the WWE SMARKDOWN episode on December 6th and held the 98 -day championship.

Street profit vs. do the recap match itself

Here’s how the match fell apart, the kindness of our playing coverage:

Tommaso Ciampa and Angelo Dawkins start fighting and feeling. Dawkins drills Ciampa with some strikes. The street profits with a dual ciamp team. The right hand roars Gargano. Ciampa took Dawkins. Gargano and Ciamps are trying to double Dawkins. Dawkins overcomes Gargano. Ford also indicates Gargano levels with a line of clothing. Gargano drove Ford from the apron and sent him to the barricade. Ciampa supplements Ford on the rope and drills it with a knee.

Gargano and Ciampa continue to isolate the Ford. Ciampa scores Ford from another rope. Ford denotes Dawkins, who cleanses the house with a rush of insults. Ford goes for 450 spraying, but ciampa blocks it. Gargano and Ciampa Double-Team Ford. On Ringside, Dawkins sends Ciampa to Timekeera. The street earnings go to the Blockbuster of the Trial Day, but the ciampa breaks it. Ford dived to the Ciamp. The street profit hit a blockbuster in fate. Ciampa gets close to falling with a fairy tale. Gargano accidentally hits Ciamp at a meeting in a middle attempt. Ford achieves a winning frog.

Related: WWE SMARKDOWN RESULTS: Review, grades, cards for March 14

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