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Matisse Therbulle to play for the first time at this time vs. Knicks

I know that team goals don’t have to be in charge of this year, but you’re not there putting big numbers. I think you have 10 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 helps fourth quarters. People who appear to look happy to see it. You have a lot of emotion. Can you do us by the importance of final recovery and how it is relevant to your future? Zion Williamson: This is when it comes to a pro and decide what you want to get out of it. We talk about it as a team. The weather has not yet come to do we want, but that doesn’t mean we can’t build something for the next year-building best practice. As I said, it is about consistency. If we lead, we need to keep it instead of those who are facing front. How do we lock the scouting report, how we act as a team – all things. We have to build that. When summer comes, we need to be together, and at the beginning of time, we’ll be locked and ready to go.

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