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Look at Ronda Rousey Train with former opponent Cat Zingano, knock again Mitts after his return to the gymnasium

Ronda Rousey may not intend to fight again, but the former UFC champion and the UFC renown temple always has the skills that have made it one of the biggest stars in the history of sport.

After welcoming her daughter in the world a few months ago, Rousey promised to document the work she does after having moved away from the process when she had her first child with her husband and her colleague veteran of the UFC, Travis Browne. Rousey promised to share his trip to help others in a similar situation after refusing to publish even photos of his body after giving birth the first time.

“Crazy to think now that I have never shared these photos because I was afraid of people comparing my post-baby bod to my form of a combat camp in a cruel way”, Rousey Written on Instagram. “Now, it is obvious that the one who is unjustly comparing was me – shit which idiot I was, I would be so proud to come back to this point now.

“So, this time, I will try to be a little more courageous and not cross this trip in secret, but share it in the hope that it will help someone to cross something similar.”

While hitting the gymnasium, Rousey went back to her martial arts with a new video that she published which showed that the focus mittens have been struck and even grapple exchanges with the former opponent Cat Zingano.

Rousey faced and defeated Zingano in what was his fifth defense of the title as a Coq weight champion at the UFC 184. It was an astonishing victory after Rousey obtained an end of combat armband just 14 seconds from the opening round.

She showed some of these grapple skills in the video while thanking Zingano for working with her when she shakes the rust while adding: “I forgot how fun it could be.”

While she is back in the gymnasium, Rousey clearly indicated that her fighting days are over, in particular with the history of concussion which finally led her to put both MMA and the professional struggle behind her.

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